Ho Ho Hansel and Gretel
A story about the Magic of Gingerbread
I confess that for many years I would procrastinate with my gingerbread until the last few days before the festival. As a result, my young children would often go to sleep with a half-finished version and wake up to the final product.
This year I wanted to do THE Gingerbread House, but I wanted to make it look like a pop-up storybook. When my six year old daughter went to bed, the piece was far from complete. But it was done when she woke up and was so excited to see it. I read her the writing:
"Finally, after walking a long time, they saw a cottage made of chocolate, candy and cake. "Look Hansel!" said Gretel in delight..."
She turned to me with wide eyes and said: "Oh, Mommy! Turn the page!"
And I melted into a million puddles of happiness :)